Reading time: 8 – 14 minutes
As the year draws to a close, it’s become a tradition for us to take a look back at the top stories readers were interested in (this month, Highlight HEALTH celebrated it’s sixth year promoting advances in biomedical research). As we have in previous years, we’ve compiled two top ten lists of the most-viewed stories for 2012, one as measured by the absolute number of page views and the other as measured by the average number of page views per day posted.

To get a sense of underlying themes for the top ten lists, here’s a tag cloud of terms taken from articles that made the cut:
The Highlight HEALTH Network
Highlight HEALTH is part of the Highlight HEALTH Network, a group of three websites that focus on health and medicine for the general public.
Here at Highlight HEALTH, we report on biomedical research, provide background and analysis, and explain how the results affect you, the healthcare consumer. We also offer original analysis and editorials focused on healthcare and current health news.
At Highlight HEALTH 2.0, we focus on new ideas impacting health and medicine. We post on new apps and technologies in health and medicine.
Lastly, the Highlight HEALTH Web Directory is an online reference guide for reliable health and medical information.
There are a number of ways to connect with Highlight HEALTH, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, email or RSS feed.
Top stories for 2012
According the the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 80% of internet users, or 59% of U.S. adults, look online for health information. Just under one-third of cell phone owners, and more than one-half of smartphone owners, have used their phone to look up health or medical information [1]. To see what readers of Highlight HEALTH were interested in for 2012, we’ve calculated the top stories for the year using two measures, either by the highest absolute number of page views for 2012 or by the average number of page views per day (3 out of 10 overlap both lists). Each story indicates an article number (we published a total of 107 stories in 2012) and number of views.
Top 10 stories by highest absolute page view for the year
Pluripotent Stem Cells and the Nobel Prize for Medicine
(article #97; 18,953 page views)The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to two scientists for their work on reprogramming mature cells to become pluripotent.
Washington State Pertussis Epidemic Highlights Importance of Vaccination
(article #60; 15,260 page views)In early April, 2012, the Washington State Department of Health declared a pertussis (whooping cough) epidemic, underscoring the importance of vaccination.
NIH Director Discusses Accelerating Translation of Biomedical Research to the Clinic
(article #64; 5,529 page views)At TEDMED 2012, Dr. Francis Collins discussed two potential methods for getting disease treatments to market faster.
Cognitive Function and Obesity: Does Your BMI Link to Your IQ?
(article #28; 6,966 page views)The so-called obesity epidemic may be causing decline in cognitive function through direct and indirect impacts on brain functioning.
Study Reveals How Green Tea Improves Memory
(article #96; 5,383 page views)New research from China suggests that green tea can help prevent neurodegeneration: the loss of structure and/or function of brain cells.
Circumcision Linked to Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer
(article #33; 5,281 page views)A new study published in the journal Cancer suggests that circumcision can hinder infection and inflammation that may lead to prostate cancer.
Lactose Intolerance: A Diagnostic Fad
(article #17; 4,174 page views)Just as clothing styles come in and out of fashion, diagnoses go through fads as well: one such fad diagnosis is lactose intolerance, which is sometimes blamed for everything from hyperactivity to joint pain.
What the Healthcare Law Ruling Means to You
(article #70; 4,045 page views)Politics aside, we review what the healthcare law ruling will and will not do to you.
Walmart and Sam’s Club Offer 10 Vital Immunizations Nationwide
(article #93; 3,839 page views)In September, Walmart and Sam’s Club announced the launch of expanded immunization services across the United States, signaling the company’s expansion into healthcare services.
Just Because It Isn’t Sweet … Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t Sugar
(article #11; 3,743 page views)We give you the skinny on carbs, both simple and complex.
Top 10 stories by average number of page views per day
Pluripotent Stem Cells and the Nobel Prize for Medicine
(article #97; average: 234 page views/day)The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to two scientists for their work on reprogramming mature cells to become pluripotent.
Inspiring 15-Year-Old Develops Cancer Sensor
(article #100; average: 106 page views/day)Fifteen-year-old Jack Andraka has invented a test that detects early stage pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer, and is cheaper and faster than the gold standard test used today.
Happy Holidays from Highlight HEALTH
(article #107; average: 74 page views/day)Holiday greetings from all of us here at Highlight HEALTH.
Even Healthy People Carry Hundreds of Genetic Flaws
(article #106; average: 66 page views/day)New research finds that, on average, a normal healthy person carries approximately 400 protein-damaging DNA mutations and two mutations directly linked with a high risk of disease.
Washington State Pertussis Epidemic Highlights Importance of Vaccination
(article #60; average: 67 page views/day)In early April, 2012, the Washington State Department of Health declared a pertussis (whooping cough) epidemic, underscoring the importance of vaccination.
Study Reveals How Green Tea Improves Memory
(article #96; average: 62 page views/day)New research from China suggests that green tea can help prevent neurodegeneration: the loss of structure and/or function of brain cells.
Healthy Neuroticism Linked with Lower Levels of an Inflammatory Biomarker
(article #103; average: 57 page views/day)New research suggests that healthy neuroticism may protect your body against inflammation.
Gene that Influences When You Wake Also Predicts Time of Death
(article #104; average: 56 page views/day)A common gene variant that’s responsible for a person’s tendency to be an early riser or a night owl also helps determine the time of day a person is most likely to die.
The Good News About Cancer: You Can Reduce Your Risk
(article #105; average: 55 page views/day)An infographic from Rock Your Cause covers some important facts about cancer and offers six easy steps to reduce your risk.
Unhappy at Work? Genes May Play a Key Role
(article #102; average: 52 page views/day)According to a recent study, stressed-out workers who blame their employer for their anxiety should think again.
Thanks for reading and Best of Health in the coming year!
Curious to see previous Year in Reviews from Highlight HEALTH? Here’s the list:
- The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2011 — The Year in Review
- The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2010 — The Year in Review
- The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2009 — The Year in Review
- The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2008 — The Year in Review
- The Best of Highlight HEALTH 2007 — The Year in Review
- Pew Internet: Health. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2012 Nov 13.