Second-hand Smoke Exposure Linked to Psychological Problems in Children

The first evidence linking mothers’ second-hand smoke exposure while pregnant to their child’s attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder has been published in the current issue of Child Psychiatry and Human Development. ADHD and conduct disorder behaviors are called externalizing psychopathology with symtoms that include aggressive behavior, ADHD, defiance and conduct disorder.

Medicexchange: A Medical Imaging Resource

The New England Journal of Medicine calls the development of body imaging one of the most important medical developments of the past 1,000 years [1]. Indeed, patient-specific information regarding disease diagnosis and progression is routinely obtained today using medical imaging.

Medicexchange is a medical imaging portal where you can find all the world’s leading medical imaging solutions in one place and offers a number of benefits for both radiology professionals and informed health consumers.

Health Highlights – June 26th, 2007

Health Highlights is a biweekly summary of particularly interesting articles from credible sources of health and medical information that we follow & read. For a complete list of recommeded sources, see our links page.

Health Highlights
  • Kick Start Your Energy | Healthy Lifestyle

    Part of staying healthy is managing stress. Borzack over at Healthy Lifestyle presents a series of mental exercises that can help increase and protect our energy levels to better manage everyday stress.

  • Birth Order and IQ | Unintelligent Design

    Clark over at Unintellegent Design discusses a study that examines the impact of birth order on intelligence. Conclusions are difficult to make given the small but significant differences in IQ. My take on the subject is that parental bias trumps other factors. What do you think?

  • Are Your Cosmetics Poisoning You? | The Beauty Brains

    The Beauty Brains presents an example of why references are so important in the deluge of information we all are bombarded with everyday.

  • Healthcare Isn’t a Right? Public Health Might Change Your Mind | Universal Health

    Universal Health’s N=1 offers an interesting perspective to the “healthcare as a right” argument, namely keeping disease under control, and suggests the number of sick and disabled will eventually poise the US for “pandemics of untold proportion”.

  • What’s in Your Wallet? | InsureBlog

    Bob over at InsureBlog writes about the surprising results of a heathcare survey given to Americans living in Canada. What are your thoughts on publicly funded healthcare?

Highlight HEALTH Summer Survival Guide

In the Northern hemisphere, summer officially starts on June 21. This day, also know as the summer solstice, has more daylight than any other day of the year because the sun reaches its greatest distance above the equator.

Summer is a great time to get outdoors and be active. However, along with the fun and sun, there are a number of irritations that we have to content with. Highlight HEALTH looks at how to survive this summer — from sunburn to poison ivy.

Healthcare Costs and the Looming U.S. Budget Crisis

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a report last month on the state of the U.S. economy [1]. The report warns that the U.S. is headed for a budget crisis unless it reforms healthcare spending.