The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provided $10 billion for biomedical research, including support for scientific research priorities, extramural construction/repairs/alterations, capital equipment, National Institutes of Health (NIH) buildings and facilities, and comparative effectiveness research [1].
This investment in the future of America’s health has revitalized the biomedical research community. Indeed, in June, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the Recovery Act drove a record number of NIH grant applications. The stimulus package provides available funds for two years, through September 2010.

This Thanksgiving, Research!America — the nation’s largest non-profit public education and advocacy alliance for discoveries in health — urges everyone to Thank President Obama for Reprioritizing Science and Health. Before year’s end, the President will decide what funding to recommend for NIH. Research!America provides a pre-formatted letter that thanks President Obama for his recommitment to science and urges him to continue making science and health a priority in 2011.
There has been a trend of flat or below-inflation funding for the NIH since 2003. Investment in biomedical research will lead to new medical breakthroughs and discoveries that will benefit everyone by helping to fight disease and improve the quality of life for everyone in America.
Please take a moment to email President Obama and urge him to continue prioritizing science and health in 2011.
- NIH’s Role in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). National Institutes of Health. 2009 March 6.