PubMed Health Website Closing in October

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has announced that it will be retiring its PubMed Health website on October 31, 2018 [1]. The existing content or similar material will subsequently be made available through PubMed, MedlinePlus, and Bookshelf.

PubMed Health

A Purpose Driven Life May Also Be A Healthier Life

According to research from Washington University in St. Louis, people with a higher sense of purpose tend to engage in healthier lifestyle choices and are more likely to feel better about their own health status [1].


Rare Disease Day 2016: Patient Voice

Today is the ninth annual Rare Disease Day, an international advocacy day held on the last day of February — a rare day for rare people. Rare Disease Day 2016 recognizes the crucial role that patients play in voicing their needs and instigating change that improves their lives and the lives of their families and caregivers.

Rare Disease Day 2016

Anti-parasite Drugs and the Nobel Prize for Medicine

nobel medal in medicine

The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was announced earlier this week [1]. The prize was awarded to three scientists who developed therapies by looking at natural, local substances, against parasitic infections.

The prize of 8-million-Swedish-krona ($1.2-million USD) was divided, with one half jointly to Drs. William C. Campbell, age 85, at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, USA, and Satoshi Omura, age 80, at Kitasato University in Tokyo, Japan, for their work on a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites, and the other half to Dr. Youyou Tu, age 85, at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, China, for her work on a novel therapy against Malaria.

23andMe Aims to Use Genetic Data to Develop Drugs

In a big shift of focus, the personal genomics company 23andMe recently announced the creation of a new therapeutics group with the intention of developing new therapies for both common and rare diseases.
