Seven Hours of Sleep May Be Better Than Eight

You’ve probably heard that 8 hours is the magical amount of sleep needed every night. New research suggests that may not be the optimal amount for everyone.


July 4th Poses Health Hazards

Many people are making plans to enjoy the Fourth of July holiday. Fireworks and outdoor recreation are a part of most July 4th celebrations, but sparklers, rockets and hot temperatures pose very real dangers to adults and children. With so many health hazards out there, it’s no wonder that patient numbers increase over the holiday.

Healthy tips for the Fourth of July

Obama: Marijuana No More Dangerous than Alcohol

In a series of interviews with The New Yorker, President Barack Obama said he thinks marijuana use is no more dangerous than alcohol.

Obama and marijuana

FDA Recommends Doctors Limit High-dose Acetaminophen Rx

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that doctors stop prescribing and dispensing prescription drugs that contain more that 325 mg of acetaminophen per tablet or capsule to reduce the risk of severe liver injury.

Fda recommends limiting acetaminophen

Food Tank’s 13 Resolutions to Change the Food System in 2013

As we start the new year, approximately 180 million Americans have made a New Year’s resolution [1-3]. Two of the top five resolutions for 2013 focus on food, specifically weight loss (#1) and healthier eating (#5).

Ellen Gustafson and Danielle Nierenberg, co-founders of the food think tank Food Tank that launches on January 10th, have also been thinking about resolutions for the year ahead. They think eaters, farmers and policy-makers need new, bigger resolutions to fix the food system — real changes with long-term impacts on plates and in fields and boardrooms all over the world — and offer 13 resolutions to change the food system in 2013.

Food Tank