Q&A: How do I Make Sure I’m Eating Right During Pregnancy?

Question: I just found out I’m pregnant, and want to make sure I eat well. How much do I need to eat, and what kinds of foods are best? How much weight should I gain?

Eating right during pregnancy

Q&A: Is “Wheat Flour” Whole Wheat, And Why Does It Matter?

Question: Is whole wheat considered a whole grain? As I understand it, foods with a low glycemic index are supposed to leave you feeling fuller, take longer to digest, and have health benefits. I thought whole grains were supposed to do those things too, but I’ve also read on the Internet that there’s no difference between wheat flour and white flour. What’s the truth?

Whole grain

Q&A: What are Nitrates in Food and Why Should I Worry About Them?

Question: I’ve heard that nitrates in food are dangerous and that I should avoid them. What are nitrates, why are they a problem, and what foods contain them?


Q&A: What Does My Body Mass Index (BMI) Mean?

Question: I’ve heard that my BMI can help me determine whether my weight is healthy, but I’m not sure what a BMI is or what it means.

Scale and stethoscope

Q&A: Can I Get the Flu From a Flu Shot?

Question: I once got a flu shot and then came down with the flu afterward. Now I won’t get the shot anymore. Why did the shot give me the flu?

Woman getting the flu shot