Chronic Sleep Loss May Lead to Loss of Brain Cells

In today’s hectic, fast-paced world, all too often we hear people say they haven’t gotten enough rest and plan to “catch up” on sleep over the weekend. However, new research suggests chronic sleep loss may be more serious than previously thought and may even lead to loss of brain cells [1].

Loss of brain cells

Better Sleep Linked to Higher Levels of Omega-3 in Diet

New research from the University of Oxford suggests that higher levels of omega-3 fatty acid — primarily found in certain fish such sat tuna and salmon — are associated with better sleep in children. The study is published in the Journal of Sleep Research [1].

DHA Omega 3 Fatty Acid

New Stanford Institute to Focus on Bad Science

A new institute will launch late this month at Stanford. The Meta-Research Innovation Centre (METRICS) aims to monitor scientific publishers’ work by identifying and minimizing persistent threats to biomedical/scientific research quality.

Stanford Meta-research Innovation Centre

Brain-mapping Projects to Collaborate, Share Data

Two ambitious and controversial government-backed initiatives that aim to decode the brain are poised to join forces.

Brain mapping projects to collaborate

Using Genomics for Safer, Personalized Medicine Choices for Kids

A new research study at Boston Children’s Hospital, in partnership with the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) and the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Research Institute, is using genetic information to predict children’s reactions to medications. The goal is to enable clinicians to select a more personalized therapy for each patient.

Personalized medicine for kids